January 27, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Welcome back!  Now I say this to you, as well as to myself.  After a busy fall, the anticipated lull hit...with which I ran.  It's been pretty sweet - rested, had fun, re-connected with family and spent time with friends, spent time with the apartment, had a few dates, and even found a tv show that I am into, which never seems to happen (HBO series 'Girls' - terrific).  Ate well and drank well.  Oh, and a purchased my first new car, which was promptly totaled while parked outside of my apartment building as I slept, but that's neither here nor there...just a little passive-aggressive on my end.  So, needless to say, while the quiet time has been a luxury, its novelty is surely wearing off.  And, I need to pay rent like everybody else.  Oops, I ALMOST forgot.   As I'm assured many of you can relate, I am a much happier person when I feel productive.  The expression, "Need something done, ask a busy person,"  has never rung/rang? truer.  I find that even the simplest work tasks, ie - replying promptly to emails, placing a few orders - seem to be 600x's more difficult to do when they're the ONLY things you have convinced yourself you HAVE to do.  Not a good cycle.  So, it is time to get back into the groove and get back to work! 

I have all of you reading this to thank for the gigantic push you all gave me in June.  I love that you sent me your holiday cards and that you keep in touch.  This experience has changed my world - and has given me different perspective on life, and of myself.  At times of doubt, I wonder if I'm delusional.  Other times, I am reminded that any potential success as 'a creative," or as 'an entrepreneur,' our sink-or-swim in a healthy market is entirely up to us - directly correlated to our effort and dedication to how we do business.  That being said, the leaps of faith of family, friends, neighbors and friendly faces as well as strangers have meant a great deal to me and on various levels.  I just hope that in exchange I've helped you put together a family keepsake.  

In an attempt to be productive this evening, I've put together an album of 'pretty things,' a collection of some favorites that I like to think are indicative of my personal style...contrasting and imperfect, yet feminine and gentle.   Please enjoy, and thanks again for keeping me company :)

Wishing you health, love and success in the new year, 

susannah xx


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