bmore creative.

July 31, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

My entry to the world of self-employment has taken me on quite a journey, and it has only just begun.  I am meeting all types of people, the 'creative types,' so to speak.  Folks who work from home or online. Folks who take on a menagerie of various projects to pay the bills.  Folks who are working very hard at creating a name or a brand for themselves, who are taking risks putting themselves out there in a fierce market and trying to develop that aha! idea that will guarantee separation from the competition.  Folks who stay up late and wake up early, who have developed the self-discipline to work overtime and when no one is looking.  Who knew this world existed?  Not me, never really thought much about it.  But it's fascinating, and I am thrilled to be slipping into it.  Here is a photo of one of these very people - my friend, Elliot.  Elliot is a Silver Spring native, UMBC grad, and DC-based freelance web developer and digital media consultant who manages to stay pretty busy.  He is working on finalizing the release of a fantastic idea (can't say much more than that just yet, but those of you who have children will want to stay tuned).  I see potential for a great collaboration here.  The Saturday before last we headed up to the Bolton Hill neighborhood of Baltimore for their annual Artscape.  Talk about an incredible show.  Granted it was pouring for the first several hours we were there, but that just meant we had to take shelter in one of Bmore classic dives - which if you know me, you know this is never a problem.  The best part was that everyone else at the Mount Royal Tavern were fellow show-goers who were looking to stay dry.  Point being, it was a fun bunch.  Once the doppler showed the coast to be clearing just before dark, we headed out and did a very quick but thorough walk of the entire span of Artscape, across numerous city blocks.  Here are a few of my favorites... These three guys seem to represent popular styles of three different decades.

Outside of Club Choices...such a GREAT name for a club - was clear that this was a hot-spot in the 80's - probably still is.

Final thought - I WILL be at Artscape 2013. 

C'est tout pour le moment!



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